



En Turquie, l’opposition parvient à s’unir face à Erdogan pour la présidentielle de mai

Le leader du Parti républicain du peuple (CHP), Kemal Kiliçdaroglu, a été désigné par une large coalition de six mouvements, de la gauche à la droite nationaliste. Il défiera un dirigeant en place depuis vingt ans, affaibli par le séisme du 6 février. Click here to read the rest of the article.

Gen Z Turks get ready to put ‘unbeatable’ Erdogan out of a job

The president hopes to extend his 20-year rule in May’s elections but young voters angry at his illiberal policies have other ideas Click here to read the rest of the article.

Turkish Court Upholds Prison Sentence for Opposition Leader

Banned from participating in politics for nearly five years, Canan Kaftancioglu was expected to play a leading role against President Erdogan in next election

Meet Turkish President Erdogan’s presumptive challenger

Kemal Kilicdaroglu might make a better president than he does a campaigner

Turkish opposition’s alliance against Erdoğan battles rifts

Coalition with big hopes for next year’s polls struggles not to ‘fall apart’ as cracks surface
